still unemployed.
Is there a cyber slush pile somewhere that inhales and then devours cover letters and resumes? I was up all night last night, until 10am, getting information on LinkedIn and partially on Facebook.
The last time I truly job-hunted was circa 1995? 1996? And now the old rules and methods are obsolete. And refining one's resume -- resumes -- is a never-ending venture. I suppose the next step, in addition to Linking In and Facebooking and working on a killer cover letter, is face-to-face networking. That means I need a networking wardrobe. Ugh! Am I complaining? Nooooo. Registered on,
Every day I tell myself that the country's economic condition does not have to be my personal economic condition. Affirmation? Denial?
About a month ago I saw an ad on craigslist that was about four blocks from where I live. Real estate office. Hmmmm, I thought. A possibility. $400 a week, 9-6. $400 a week! That's less than the weekly New York State Unemployment Insurance benefit. No benefits, medical or otherwise.
The news from my pension fund is disheartening, and that's if I work for four more years. Aaargh!
Earlier this month I attended a four-hour Tellington Touch workshop, and it was great. When you enter your right millieu with the right energy doing the right work, oh, how your spirit soars. There's a certain weightlessness. I left my two cats at home and took a stuffed one, instead, for practice.