Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Flat Gabriella Does New York

My cute little niece, Bryna McDowell, sent a special friend to me as part of of school assignment (she's in the second grade). My mission, should I decide to accept it: Take Flat Gabriella sightseeing. Make her clothing, if I am so moved. Answer questions about my city. Here is Flat Gabby's experience in her own words and pictures:

Read this document on Scribd: Flat Gabriella Does New York

Flat Gabby returned to Pittsburgh not only with her new wardrobe, but with a bag of souvenirs from the highway robbers in Times Square. But I'm not complaining. I had so much joy participating in this assignment, and my sister, Tina, my nephew, Kevin and Bryna loved it.

Nota bene: Not only did Bryna get the grade I promised (A), Flat Gabriella was read, in part, by the principal, at the school assembly. Yes! [fist pump]

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