Friday, August 1, 2008

Se Prohibe Fumar -- Manana, Baby, Manana

Okay, okay, alright already! I'll put it out forever. I've decided to become a nonsmoker. Forever this time. I'm about 3 cigarettes away from quitting.

I won't go into a song and dance about it, but let's just say that I'm so looking forward and I am so nervous(?) about it. I think it's because I want success so badly. It'll be great to be unaddicted. (I hope my allergist's assistant doesn't read this, because they don't know that I still smoke.) I plan to make use of some kind of support -- nicotine gum for a while, acupuncture. In addition to stopping, I want to do a detox program, so I'm looking into nutritional therapies, too. And my Buddhist practice, which goes without saying. $9.00 a pack! Yes, I'm divorcing the tobacco companies. Hit the road, Jack!

1 comment:

Brenda from Flatbush said...

I'm sending you healing thoughts and cheers as you free yourself!